Thursday, January 12, 2012, 10:38 PM
Melbourne baby!
Sitting on this huge couch infront of the TV with a bowl of popcorn and a jar of red gummy lollies really feels like home except right now im in melbourne in johnnys house. It's been over 2 and a half weeks and im having a nice break from everyone in sydney! Im completely loving it! Seeing Johnny at the airport really made me so happy and NAAWWW it felt like a korean drama LOL i love his sibings they are so adroable. I have come across a girl who is EXACTLY like this girl i use to know who was damn right crazy...and to think i left those kinda people in 2011..guess not.
So far i have been shopping and chilling with the family and getting to know them. Celebrating new years was quiet this year...no getting drunk or doing silling things.. I feel old when i say this but this year i stayed indoors with the hot chocolate and hubbie on the couch. My new years resolution is to be more mindful, and not assume everything. Whats your new year resolution?
I'll post in a few days when i have done something exciting.
the end. love, amy Xoxo
Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 1:51 PM
Back from my cruise holiday!
Hey guys! I just got back from my cruise for Wendy's 21st. We literally cruised to New Caledonia and some other islands and it was AWESOME!! the worst part about the trip was that there was no free internet access or reception to make phone calls. I went snorkeling for the first time, I must say.. I was so scared at first but in the end I had a blast! 8 days at sea and it felt like a really good getaway from bitches who want to fuck with your life. Also, it was relaxing. Little did I know what I was going to come home to. Girls who are being dramatic and bitching. Anyways, I really hate girls who like to assume before asking. Sometimes we can be so stupid that we ain't even thinking logically when we are in the middle of biting someone's head off and blaming them for something they don't recall happening, or in reality it wasn't their fault (you just dont want to blame yourself for it happening OR you got no one else to blame). Next thing you know.... friendship over. Here's something to keep in mind, you don't really care if someone walks away from you when you know that they wern't your REAL friend to begin with. You have many other friends especially close friends and it doesn't matter if you lose that one because somewhere down the track you will find someone who is more of that genuine friend. I mean seriously, can you call that one person your "friend" if they wern't really there for you? who would dog you for someone else? be mean to you and have jealousy issues with you?.. cmon, seriously? I remember why I have more guy friends than girl friends. NO DRAMAS. NO BULLSHIT. Next Monday I will be off to Melbourne to see Johnny and I can't wait! The End. Love, Amy xoxo
Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 12:31 PM
Something that annoys me..
What annoys me the most is you and your jealousy issues, I don't get it..how the hell can you be jealous of someone when they are not doing anything to you? Nor do they have intentions of replacing you how can you think of such thing when you claim that they are your "best friend" ? If they are your best friend and they think the same of you then TRUST them that they wont dare to hurt you and if you know them well enough, you should know that. A bestfriend is someone who cares for you and keeps their loyalty to you. They will also make sure they will never hurt your feelings.
The End. Love,Amy xoxo
Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 3:57 PM
Veggie and fruit detox
I have decided to go on a fruit and veggie detox. Which means turn vegeterian for a while. I really want to lose some weight for this summer. My goal weight is 40kg and right now I have about 6kg to burn off. wish me luck!! =)
The end. love, amy Xoxo
Monday, November 7, 2011, 3:44 PM
Right now..
I don't feel like going to work today, the weather is crap and I don't feel like ref-ing in the rain. I have the open womens and mixed teams today...*sigh* I just want to stay home and chill in bed with movies.
The most highlight moment of today would be my nap. I had a dream that Johnny couldn't pick me up that he got his friend named 'Frankie' to do it. When I woke up.. I thought frankie was just some random name...but turns out that Johnny really does have a friend named Frankie. LOL. Psyched out much?!?!
The End. Love, Amy xoxo
Sunday, November 6, 2011, 6:39 PM
Going to have another winge
Okay so I don't get it. I want to have a few rants. 1. Like me, when I have no money..I don't go out. Or when I do, i'm at my friends place that way i'll be out and having fun without spending any money! Simple. I don't even expect anyone to pay for me too. Point is. If you have NO money. Don't go out. Or atleast when you're out..don't make the people around you feel bad that your 'hobo'.
2. Clingy people are really starting to annoy me. I mean sometimes it is a good thing to have clingy people but when they go overboard to the point where you want space and they go psycho and wont let you have 'ME' time..it's nuts. It's called personal space.
Ahhh rage.
The End. Love, Amy xoxo
Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 11:41 PM
The 10 reasons why I shouldn't leave Johnny
So Johnny gave me 10 reasons why I should never leave him. He is so adorable
1. Because I'm worth it like Loreal. 2. Cos I'm the one. 3. I make you smile like no one has. Fuckem all. 4. I make you feel like your in another world inside, so much so that your insides party day in day out. 5. Yourself, as well as I know that this could potentially work, therefore I am putting the effort in, quite well I must say. 6. Apparently I'm genuine like Microsoft windows to you. 7. Because when I sleep, I'm the cutest, fark. 8. Because we both jizzed our pants that night at that moment when our phone lines connected. 9. Because you love me for who I am and not what I am. 10. Because when you dream, you dream about me so naked that your brain just overheats and that's why you get headaches.
Cute right?
I had work tonight and it was the usual, I am really starting to love my job as a soccer referee. It's so fun. Tomorrow is also my one month anniversary with Johhny.
The End, Love Amy. Xoxo

♥ Miss Aymiee
An average girl who took her first breath on 27th February 1990
Still growing up & living life to the fullest in her now hometown Sydney,
Like everyone else, going through the good and the bad things in life.
Studying Korean at Ultimo TAFE keeps her entertained.
A very Happy & Random girl who
is a CrazyLover of God & 2PM ♥
Her Best Friends is definitely a part of her.
Singing is her hobby.
Lollipops, milk chocolate,collecting plushies & Cuddles makes her SUPER happy.
Her goals in life: 1.Grow closer to God 2.Lose weight. 3.Travel all over the world.
Thursday, January 12, 2012, 10:38 PM
Melbourne baby!
Sitting on this huge couch infront of the TV with a bowl of popcorn and a jar of red gummy lollies really feels like home except right now im in melbourne in johnnys house. It's been over 2 and a half weeks and im having a nice break from everyone in sydney! Im completely loving it! Seeing Johnny at the airport really made me so happy and NAAWWW it felt like a korean drama LOL i love his sibings they are so adroable. I have come across a girl who is EXACTLY like this girl i use to know who was damn right crazy...and to think i left those kinda people in 2011..guess not.
So far i have been shopping and chilling with the family and getting to know them. Celebrating new years was quiet this year...no getting drunk or doing silling things.. I feel old when i say this but this year i stayed indoors with the hot chocolate and hubbie on the couch. My new years resolution is to be more mindful, and not assume everything. Whats your new year resolution?
I'll post in a few days when i have done something exciting.
the end. love, amy Xoxo
Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 1:51 PM
Back from my cruise holiday!
Hey guys! I just got back from my cruise for Wendy's 21st. We literally cruised to New Caledonia and some other islands and it was AWESOME!! the worst part about the trip was that there was no free internet access or reception to make phone calls. I went snorkeling for the first time, I must say.. I was so scared at first but in the end I had a blast! 8 days at sea and it felt like a really good getaway from bitches who want to fuck with your life. Also, it was relaxing. Little did I know what I was going to come home to. Girls who are being dramatic and bitching. Anyways, I really hate girls who like to assume before asking. Sometimes we can be so stupid that we ain't even thinking logically when we are in the middle of biting someone's head off and blaming them for something they don't recall happening, or in reality it wasn't their fault (you just dont want to blame yourself for it happening OR you got no one else to blame). Next thing you know.... friendship over. Here's something to keep in mind, you don't really care if someone walks away from you when you know that they wern't your REAL friend to begin with. You have many other friends especially close friends and it doesn't matter if you lose that one because somewhere down the track you will find someone who is more of that genuine friend. I mean seriously, can you call that one person your "friend" if they wern't really there for you? who would dog you for someone else? be mean to you and have jealousy issues with you?.. cmon, seriously? I remember why I have more guy friends than girl friends. NO DRAMAS. NO BULLSHIT. Next Monday I will be off to Melbourne to see Johnny and I can't wait! The End. Love, Amy xoxo
Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 12:31 PM
Something that annoys me..
What annoys me the most is you and your jealousy issues, I don't get it..how the hell can you be jealous of someone when they are not doing anything to you? Nor do they have intentions of replacing you how can you think of such thing when you claim that they are your "best friend" ? If they are your best friend and they think the same of you then TRUST them that they wont dare to hurt you and if you know them well enough, you should know that. A bestfriend is someone who cares for you and keeps their loyalty to you. They will also make sure they will never hurt your feelings.
The End. Love,Amy xoxo
Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 3:57 PM
Veggie and fruit detox
I have decided to go on a fruit and veggie detox. Which means turn vegeterian for a while. I really want to lose some weight for this summer. My goal weight is 40kg and right now I have about 6kg to burn off. wish me luck!! =)
The end. love, amy Xoxo
Monday, November 7, 2011, 3:44 PM
Right now..
I don't feel like going to work today, the weather is crap and I don't feel like ref-ing in the rain. I have the open womens and mixed teams today...*sigh* I just want to stay home and chill in bed with movies.
The most highlight moment of today would be my nap. I had a dream that Johnny couldn't pick me up that he got his friend named 'Frankie' to do it. When I woke up.. I thought frankie was just some random name...but turns out that Johnny really does have a friend named Frankie. LOL. Psyched out much?!?!
The End. Love, Amy xoxo
Sunday, November 6, 2011, 6:39 PM
Going to have another winge
Okay so I don't get it. I want to have a few rants. 1. Like me, when I have no money..I don't go out. Or when I do, i'm at my friends place that way i'll be out and having fun without spending any money! Simple. I don't even expect anyone to pay for me too. Point is. If you have NO money. Don't go out. Or atleast when you're out..don't make the people around you feel bad that your 'hobo'.
2. Clingy people are really starting to annoy me. I mean sometimes it is a good thing to have clingy people but when they go overboard to the point where you want space and they go psycho and wont let you have 'ME' time..it's nuts. It's called personal space.
Ahhh rage.
The End. Love, Amy xoxo
Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 11:41 PM
The 10 reasons why I shouldn't leave Johnny
So Johnny gave me 10 reasons why I should never leave him. He is so adorable
1. Because I'm worth it like Loreal. 2. Cos I'm the one. 3. I make you smile like no one has. Fuckem all. 4. I make you feel like your in another world inside, so much so that your insides party day in day out. 5. Yourself, as well as I know that this could potentially work, therefore I am putting the effort in, quite well I must say. 6. Apparently I'm genuine like Microsoft windows to you. 7. Because when I sleep, I'm the cutest, fark. 8. Because we both jizzed our pants that night at that moment when our phone lines connected. 9. Because you love me for who I am and not what I am. 10. Because when you dream, you dream about me so naked that your brain just overheats and that's why you get headaches.
Cute right?
I had work tonight and it was the usual, I am really starting to love my job as a soccer referee. It's so fun. Tomorrow is also my one month anniversary with Johhny.
The End, Love Amy. Xoxo
